Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 45:

Good Morning!

Today I have lost another pound and I'm now sitting at 152.6! This week has been incredible. At the beginning of the week I bounced back up to 155.4 and I've been descending by bits and pieces every day! I love being at 152! I realized today that it is the lightest I have weighed in quite some time.

As for the experiment, I stepped outside the Nutrisystem menu this week to see what I have learned. On Friday I went to Applebees. It was surprising to me that the blurbs beneath the menu selections have become more important. I'm now looking at what the side is that I'm ordering, and the sauces that are involved with the food. In the past I have simply looked at the entree and figured the rest would handle itself. There were a few items on the menu that were listed as Weight Watchers that I chose specifically to avoid because the carbs were too high. I did end up with the Cajun Tilapia with broccoli on the side. It was quite tasty, and I gained confidence that eating out is not impossible.

I also made my own dinner last night- mostly because I have been dying for real beef!!!! If anything is really missing in the Nutrisystem program it is the dinners and I have been missing my beef. Freeze dried hamburger patties do not make it for me-- I guess I could have opened up the beef and potatoes in the cupboard, but I wanted something that I knew would be good. Happily I was able to stick to the program. Is it a little weird that I now weigh literally everything? :)

My explorations outside the Nutrisystem menu have taught me one thing. I really do believe that if you do the program--- that includes reading the Daily Dose, the weekly email, and utilizing the chat boards, you will pick up the tools for eating healthier in the real world. It takes quite a while--- I wouldn't have tried eating out in my first month, but it does work.

The question is: Am I going to step away from the diet regularly. Answer-- No. For the sake of the experiment I allowed myself a bit of latitude to see if the "Training" Nutrisystem touts actually translates to the real world of food. However, to step away from the program all together would make the experiment moot. I will remain on the diet for another month and a half and stay faithful. Any steps outside of the box (little joke-- if you try Nutrisystem you'll get it) will be posted here. :)

Teaching begins in earnest this coming week. It will be a good test to see if the program is as convenient as Nutrisystem advertises.

Till Tuesday,


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