Friday, August 28, 2009

Week 8 to 9

Since I moved my blog entries to the weekend rather than Tuesday, I've had trouble deciding whether I'm blogging about the week I'm finishing or the week I've just started. Thus my silly titles.

I have no idea if it's the diet, just my emotional cycles, or whether it's the stress from the new school year, but boy am I a worrier this week. The thing is I'm worried about the silliest things. Whether a fellow teacher smiled when I said hi, if it's a horrible thing that I didn't associate half mast flag with Sen. Kennedy when someone asked about it (the person probably didn't care), whether I troubled or offended a student when I said I hadn't studied the Mexican Government to the point of stating whether it was a Unitary or Federal Government (probably the student doesn't even remember they asked the question). Still these petty concerns are running around and around in my head, and I can't shake them. It's really frustrating.

The only thing I don't seem to be worrying about is the diet. (Sigh) I'm starting into my third month. I have to say at this point, I'm not sure that I will receive a bear at all before the end of my experiment. My body seems very reluctant to give up pounds. Inches seem to be flying off of me- I'm now down 24.5 inches. However, I'm hanging steady at 153-154. Sometimes I get a cursorily 152 only to have it spring back to 154 the next day. That means this whole month I've really only lost two pounds. If they say losing one to two pounds a week is healthy, what does that mean for me?

This week I do have to report a major slip. Monday after a long day at school- 7Am-5:30 pm and I had to work through lunch. The thought of pouring water into a cup and eating it was more than I could take. I did go to Wendy's and get a burger. However, I did get a potato instead of fries and ate it mostly without butter. (10 squirts of I can't believe it's not butter spray) I had a diet coke- and for penance I did do double aerobics that night. The good news is that after my slip it's been easier to stay on the diet for the rest of the week. Do I think this is going to be an annual occurrence? No. Mostly it is because I'm down to the end of the month and the cupboard is close to being empty.
Speaking of which, I have ordered week three. My order is a lot of repeats, but I've added a few new items- despite the fact I still can't take the beef and potatoes off the shelf. I'm still thinking I should have ordered more Grilled Chicken Breast. According to tracking it is supposed to be here today. If that is the case, I will post the review later today. If it does arrive today, it is the fastest processing yet! Ordered on 26th- arrived on 28th.

I guess that's it for now!


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