Monday, September 14, 2009


This was so incredible I had to post. So, this morning I wrote about my issue with the Grilled Chicken Breasts... by 10:00am MST I received a phone call from a Nutrisystem Customer Service Agent, who wanted to see what he could do to help.

Since I'm not even posting on the Nutrisystem site, I have to say that this is impressive. I wasn't able to talk to the agent, because I was teaching at the time, but he was very professional. While it is a little eerie that someone at Nutrisystem is reading my blog and issuing a report that I'm having problems, there is also a bit of comfort in knowing that they are paying attention to what is said on blogs, outside of Nutrisystem, and care whether their customers are happy.

I can think of very few businesses these days where the business contacts the consumer before they report a problem. Can you imagine if this was the norm? Saturn contacts me because I have a problem with my fuel gauge and wants to know what they can do to help? Walmart contacts me about a broken part in a item I just purchased and wants to make things right--before I even repack the item to take it back to the store. That would be an amazing world.

A company that cares... who would have thought? Kudos to Nutrisystem. They get top scores on Customer Service today! I can't believe sour chicken made me more of a believer in this company, but at least I know that they stand by what they sell and want to make things right.

Hats off to all of you CS agents. I'm impressed!

Katherine Wood

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